General Information
Welcome to Postgraduate Program in Physiological Sciences. (PPGCF) at Ufes
The studies in physiology explore the mechanisms of the circulatory system, using analytical techniques to investigate the functioning and regulation of the heart and blood vessels. The pathophysiology projects focus on changes in this system in diseases such as hypertension, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, congenital heart diseases, and conditions associated with cardiovascular diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and exposure to toxins.
These areas are developed through experimental and clinical research. In experimental studies, in vitro, the contraction of cardiac cells and the action of drugs on isolated vessels are analyzed, while in vivo, animal models simulate diseases to test interventions such as physical exercise and new therapies. Clinical research involves epidemiological and observational studies to investigate risk factors and interventions in large populations, as well as clinical trials to evaluate therapies and cardiovascular function in patients.
The Postgraduate Program in Physiological Sciences (PPGCF) of the Federal University of Espirito Santo, Vitoria, Brazil, was launched in 1989 and aims to
- Provide Master in Sciences (MSc) and Doctorate (Ph.D.) programs in physiological sciences using both experimental and clinical researches.
- Provide high-degree research expertise in experimental and applied biomedicine and biology.
- Contribute to the development of technology and innovation in science in Espirito Santo and Brazil.
- Develop scientific research activities with undergraduate students from public and private universities.
- Promote cooperation, interaction and exchange of information and experiences among researchers of Espirito Santo, Brazil and other countries worldwide.
The PPGCF is approved by Brazil’s official accreditation agency Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Up to the present date, PPGCF graduated 329 MSc and 171 Ph.D. students, and at the moment have 31MSc students and 36 Ph.D. students.
About Us
The Postgraduate Program in Physiological Sciences offers MSc since 1989 and Ph.D. since 1993, having achieved high scores in Brazil’s government accreditation agency (CAPES).
Originally in 1980, a specific group in the area of Cardiovascular Physiology and Pharmacology was created. Currently, the academic basis for the PPGCF is the Department of Physiological Sciences from the Health Sciences Center. This department offers classes in Biochemistry, Biophysics, Physiology and Pharmacology for students of Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Psychology, Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, and Speech-Language Therapy.
The Postgraduate Program in Physiological Sciences holds partnerships with other Brazilian research centers in cardiovascular, renal and endocrine physiology, as well as in neurosciences. It is also affiliated with the Universidad Autonóma de Madrid and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and research groups and other foreign universities. The program seeks national and international recognition as an excellent research center in both cardiovascular pathophysiology and neuroscience.
Lines of Research
The PPGCF comprises two lines of research within the field of Physiology, one of which must be chosen by applicants upon admission:
- Physiology and Cardiovascular pathophysiology
- Neurosciences
The program is based in Vitória-ES, offering the course of Master’s Degree in Physiological Sciences since 1989 e the course of PhD Program on Physiological Sciences since 1993 and has an academic qualification profile certified by CAPES, receiving 5 on its last evaluation.
The program already has 217 masters and 145 doctors and counts with 70 students regularly enrolled, being 37 in the masters and 33 in the doctorate.